Why use bizipub?

bizipub is the only web site company that offers all of the following.
  1. Pay-as-you-go, page-by-page pricing. Most web development companies charge you an up-front set-up fee and they have a minimum dollar order. For example, Network Solutions charges $1,399 for a 5-page site. With Bizipub you can buy one page at a time at $200 apiece.
  2. See-before-you-pay delivery. Most web development companies make you pay before you see any results. So you don't know if what they make is really what you like. Bizipub makes you a sample before you pay anything.
  3. No maintenance fees. Unlike other services, we do not charge for maintenance for brochure sites. So you're not stuck with more bills after you already paid for your web site.
  4. Self-updateable sites. We update your site for free, but if you prefer to do-it-yourself, you can log in to the site and add, update and delete words and pictures yourself, 24-hours-a-day!